We have just completed Week 12 of the 17-week session. During this week we passed the first-house-passage deadline. We also started to receive bills from the Senate that are now assigned to the appropriate Assembly committees. There are 186 Senate bills and resolutions that are now in the Assembly Committees. In addition, there are 168 Assembly bills that are still in the Committee on Ways and Means. The next deadline for passage out of the second committee is May 19th.
On Monday, May 1st, the Economic Forum meets at the Legislative building to finalize the economic forecast that will be used to complete the budget for this legislative session.
As I said last week, I will give an update on the bills and resolutions that I either sponsored or co-sponsored. There actually are 44 bills and resolutions. Over the next three to four weeks, I will touch on all of them. As a reminder, the Assembly and the Senate are controlled by Democrats and they chose leadership, committee chairs, and what legislation move through the process.
This week there are ten bills and one resolution I will discuss. Of the ten bills, four sadly died in committee. The committee chair chose to not move these bills forward. They were
· AB89, a bill requiring the use of E-Verify for contractors and sub-contractors on public work projects;
· AB307, a bill requiring identification for voting;
· AB320, a bill relating to internet privacy and minors; and
· AB374, a bill restricting men from participating in women’s sports at the Nevada System of Higher Education.
In addition, AJR2, a resolution that would amend the constitution, would require the legislature to vote on future amendments during regular sessions. This also did not make it out of committee.
Four bills I supported were passed out the Assembly and sent to the Senate. They were
· AB91 which passed by a vote of 40 to 2, a bill that provides regulatory relief to water right holders with wells on public lands;
· AB159, which passed by a vote of 42 to 0, a bill that specifies care for dogs and outlaws’ cruelty to dogs;
· AB173, which passed by a vote of 38 to 2 with 2 absentees, a bill that requires more disclosure on bids for public work projects; and
· AB191, which passed by a vote of 42 to 0, a bill that provides regulatory relief to very small suppliers of water.
The final two bills have been exempted from the deadlines and are currently in the Committee on Ways and Means. They are AB178 a bill covering permit renewals for ambulances, air ambulance or vehicles of firefighting agencies; and AB429, a bill related to the funding of airports throughout the state.
If you are in Carson, please contact my attaché, Jeff Welte, at 775-684-8848, or email me at rich.delong@asm.state.nv.us and schedule a meeting. I am interested in hearing your concerns with particular bills.
I am glad to be representing all of you in District 26. See you next week!
Rich DeLong
Assemblyman, District 26
Minority Whip